የኢትዮጵያ ስፖርት አካዳሚ የምርምር ዕትመቶች

የምርምር ዕትመቶች

The purpose of this study was to compare the performances of Ethiopian and Kenyan at the summer Olympic Games held so far. The study has employed an empirical research design. The two countries were selected purposively due to the historical competition that exists between them and their over dominance of the rest world in endurance races.The data was collected through the internet from several sites. The number of sites for data collection depends on the number of times each country has been participated at the Summer Olympic Games. 15 and 16 sites were visited for Ethiopia and Kenya respectively. The data collected was…

This study investigates the effects of project management practices on the performance of the Ethiopian National Stadium. It identifies the challenges inherent in project management, particularly in the Ethiopian construction sector, where the alignment of scope, time, cost, and quality remains critical. The research employs a descriptive and explanatory design, focusing on a sample of 292 staff from various management levels involved in mega projects. Key findings reveal a significant correlation between the implementation of project management tools and project performance. Despite some positive practices…

This study analysis the content of 45 researchpapers published in the Ethiopian Journal of Sport Science (EJSS), affiliated with the Ethiopian Sport Academy. The papers were retrieved from the African Journals Online platform (AJOL), for their complete article and abstract accessibility. In this study, content analysis was employed considering the following four key dimensions: 1) Subjects covered and units of analysis 2) Methodology and Design3) Authorship and collaboration and 4) Types of papers or formats and numbers of papers’ per volume. The findings of the study revealed that the papers included…