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Ethiopian Sport Academy News and Announcements The Academy Showcased a Photo Exhibition at the Opening of the 8th National Youth Assessment Competition

The Academy Showcased a Photo Exhibition at the Opening of the 8th National Youth Assessment Competition

January 28, 2017 E.C.
Wolaita Sodo

The Ministry of Culture and Sports, in collaboration with the Southern Ethiopia Regional Government, officially launched the 8th National Youth Talent Competition on January 27, 2017 E.C., in Wolaita Sodo City, with a lively ceremony marking the revival of the competition after a six-year suspension due to various reasons. During the opening ceremony, the Academy showcased a photo exhibition and utilized various communication tools to raise awareness about the academy among the sports community.

At the opening ceremony, the Academy highlighted its past successes by displaying photos, documentaries, media coverage, descriptions, magazines, brochures, and other communication materials, showcasing the achievements of former trainees who were selected through previous national youth assessment competitions, went on to join clubs and the national team, and excelled in continental and international competitions.

During this competition, the Academy is selecting candidates for the 2018 E.C. training season.

The grand opening of the 8th National Youth Talent Competition was attended by high-ranking federal and regional government officials, also among the attendees were Deputy Director General of the Academy’s Research, Study, and Consultancy Services, Dr. Amensisa Kebede as well as coaches. The assessment competition, which runs from January 27, 2017 E.C., to February 5, 2017 E.C., features over 2,000 young participants from all regions and city administrations competing in 11 different sports disciplines.

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